Wednesday 26 May 2010

Demystifying Nicola Bashall

For those who don't really know me... or need an update, here is a little info to help you out.

I have just got back from working in Dhaka, Bangladesh at the Yunus Centre (office of Professor Muhammad Yunus - founder of Grameen Bank and Nobel Laureate) for four months and am in the process of figuring out what the next steps are. So for now, I am on a mission to meet as many interesting people (and anyone interested in what I have been doing in Bangladesh who is likely also to be interesting :)

Who am I?

I am a South African, born and raised in Johannesburg. We moved to Cape Town when I went to high school and I did Business Science (Finance honours) at the University of Cape Town, graduating in December 2009.

I am slightly eccentric, seriously appreciate a good sense of humour and love meeting new interesting people. Oh, and am a complete gypsy. My life which used to be located in the boot of my little orange Yaris, and until recently could be found in an stuffed backpack. I am a complete travel junkie - but prefer the "living in a place" kind of travelling where you actually grow to understand the culture, learn some of the language and actually LIVE there.

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