Wednesday 26 May 2010

The Yunus Centre

The Yunus Centre, my office in Dhaka, is located in the Grameen Bank building in Mirpur-2, probably the most rural area of Dhaka. In Mirpur... one might see goats travelling on rickshaws, a big truck selling rice by the mug full to its bottom of the pyramid customers, fruit and veggie stalls measuring the quantity of produce using rusted scales, people peeing in the drains that run down the side of the pavement, cha (tea) stalls. It really is buzzing with activity! And all this is witnessed from a cycle rickshaw on my way to buy lunch :)

I hit the ground running with work at the Yunus Centre! And as predicted, I totally loved it :) The social business team's main objectives at the moment are to work with companies or other investors to establish a new social businesses and universities to establish Grameen Creative Labs which would work to engage students with the idea of social business.

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